Tuesday, August 13, 2013

what was

 I was one that always seen the glass 1/2 empty, I was told that I had a pessimistic view on things, I just thought I had a realistic view on things, the glass was full at one time and someone drank the other 1/2 because they were thirsty, that's why it's 1/2 empty...
 So, knowing that about myself, I think we as a country, the country the founding Fathers created, the Republic that now most don't even know that it is the form or type of government the United States of America "was", I think it's gone for good, it only took a few generations to do, but they done it and they done it well, who are they?
 They (you really know who "they" are) are those who believe America wasn't good enough and had to be better.  So, they were out to change it, teaching our young that our founding Fathers were just a bunch of old white guys in the far, far past.... what could they possible know that we don't know and that constitution that they put together and wrote, it's so old it defiantly got to be out of date by now.....
 This is why most don't know our history (American history) and it's really not taught anymore in the public school system, that America is a Democracy and not a Republic (for which it stands), like removing the pledge of allegiance out of the classroom or teaching all the bad and the wrong things America has done in the world....  kind·a left all the good it's done for the world, out of the teaching being done these days..... 
 They started just a few generations ago on this path, taking just little steps, day in and day out,  but I think they won or very close to it. They have changed America forever and those who don't know this, well they just don't know any better (it was a saying my father used when a person had no idea of what was) or they are or were part of it.
 So, if you think I'm wrong, prove me wrong..... When I see the stats and they don't look good. The debt this country is in, boggles the mind, so many American's and non-American's dependent on the government for that "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness", in your face corruption, lying and thieving from all aspects of life, from the streets to capitol hill. The overbearing almost tyrannical government we live under..... I couldn't image life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness would have looked like this just a few decades ago.
 But, looking back just a few decades ago I seen it, but didn't acknowledge it, I was too young and naive to recognize it, but it was there, I watched my entire town I grow up in lose the industries the people of the town depended on for its lively hood..... poof it was gone, moved to the southern states then out of the country eventually, by the end of the 70s people have moved on, who cares or cared, that was yesteryear.  
  I've heard of the saying "I can hear that sucking sound" when people talk about losing jobs in America.... "Hell Man" these day's I can see it, not just hear it!!!!
 So, prove me wrong, that America is going in the right direction and is better than it was for our parents... Why because we got technology, computers and cell phones.... that we have jobs here that Americans don't want, this is why we have so many illegal's here, knowing just a few decades ago those same jobs supported Americans, which made them hard working middleclass productive tax payers and "Dammit Man" I'm not talking about picking fruit or such, I'm talking about what we call tradesmen jobs, you know being a carpenter, plumbers, drywall hanger things like that or you just don't know any better? or you just think everyone works at Wal-Mart, Home depot and Best Buy and that's a good enough job. Is that  kind a what the new working middle class America is today or you one of them people that doesn't even think about those things, "work with your hands", that's why it's so easy to believe those are just jobs that Americans don't want..... oh yeah right your one of those people lucky enough to go to a high end collage and probably will employ people for those jobs that Americans don't want to do.
 So, prove to me America is better today than yesteryear and is going in the right direction and I should have a optimistic  view on things, rather then having a pessimistic view (remember I said that someone said I had a pessimistic view, I just seen the glass 1/2 empty because someone drank the other 1/2)..... that today while we think we're in "tech-no-color", that right from wrong is much harder to see, it's more complicated today, that things of yesteryear were just so black + white and so easy to know what was right from wrong here in America, just so foolish thinking, those of yesteryear.
 Prove me wrong...... ah, I dare you to ask a person of the WW2 or depression era... go ahead... You scared to ask or you just waiting for them to all die off and then you will know no better?
 That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  The End.

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