"Cahoonas, lets grow some" correct a mistake I made they were teens and one was white
"Cahoonas, lets grow some"
I just turned off fox news, was talking about a visiting Australian man that was gunned down by 3 black man just for the fun of it (the Australian man was white)and one of the two people they had on just couldn't answer the questions nor stay on point/the conversation that is, (yes the liberal I'm talking about)... "Cahoonas, lets grow some"
WTF fox news when are you going to be fair and balance with your viewers and stop trying to have that fair + balanced and honest conversation with these liberals...
When are we as a people going to shame and shun people in our society that lie and blatantly lie as a way of life..... stop it and stop it now.... you fox news, I wish you would read this, because if you don't stop this insanity (Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.... .Albert Einstein) you will lose me as a viewer, (damn it, you're the only news outlet I watch these day's) because what you think you're doing is fair and balanced, by having people that have different views is one thing, which is entirely different then having people on that blatantly lie, is not fair and balanced in my eye's (yes I know what you're going to say "who am I.... I say, I am the viewer, your viewer")... and if you're going to have people that can't have that fair and balance conversation , in my eye's "that is the definition of insanity".
I have watched Fox News sense the beginning and I have seen the liberal left in this country scrutinize every word said on and about your network, so they can mislead the public at every corner that they turn.....
Advice coming from one that calls himself the "dumb-ass in the room filled with dumb-asses "(kind of a inside joke), would be your network/fox news channel isn't going to get any more viewers from the liberal left except from the scrutinizer's mentioned above and believe me the elite liberal left isn't watching your network, they are paying others to watch it for them. Your viewers are moderate to the right/conservative , also I believe that these same viewers like myself loathe the "untruthfulness" as most of your hosts call the "lying" that comes from these people's mouths, this is not fair and balanced to your viewers, nor your hosts..... allow your hosts to at least grow a set of "Cahoonas" (a set of balls) to call these people out when they lie , either side.... right or left.
I remember when your host shepard smith showed the biggest set of cahoonas I have ever seen on a news channel when he told the producer to shut a mans mic (microphone ) off, because the man wouldn't shut up the propaganda and let anyone else speak ... the propaganda coming out of his mouth was about how America deserved 911... and I remember that day clearly Shepard saying "shut off his mic" more than once, that was the day I turned off the other news channels and turned to fox.
So... go ahead and tell me I'm wrong, that being fair and balanced is allowing one side to lying almost all the time about the subject at hand (oh, if you don't know this, propaganda is a form of lying, I even know this and I'm a dumb-ass)..... go ahead and convince me that I'm totally off base here... so I can tell you there's no base's in football , see you thought I was going to say baseball, I know what propaganda is "you know what the Nazi's use in German to convince them to go along with their evil way's, you know like killing off millions of Jews , just like the so-called radical Muslims today want to do and not just the Jews at that, all I know is "once a liar always a liar" and no I don't know who coined that phrase. WE as a people need to stand up and say enough is enough, NO means NO and shut their mic's off.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.... LMAO still
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