Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The First Chapter

   I just got done reading, The First Chapter of  "The Liberty Amendments, Restoring The American Republic"  By Mark Levin
 Remember I'm the dumb-ass in the room... reading that took some effort and had to look up the meaning of a few or more words... but I know enough to understand exactly of what he's speaking and writing of... my limited knowledge maybe more then I know,  because I always knew that the real power in and of this Republic  for which it stands was held by the States... I myself couldn't understand why the states would give up that power, why did they go along with it?  I know under that bureaucrat  Woodrow  Wilson he somehow convinced the States to give up their power which was the electing of senators to the Senate... maybe it was him "Wilson" lying to the country about WW1 and then dragging the nation to war, was that  beginning of "never let a crisis go to waste" and the "The end justifies the means"  at any cost, mentality they have.... (there's probably more than a few publications out there that'll explains it all, when and how... I don't know, I'm dumb-ass)
 So... the jiff of it all, is Mark is right on mark (like that and even a dumb-ass like myself knows and understands that to restore  our government.... to the Republic, for which it stands, is going to have to be done on the State level (meaning by us electing people to State Government's  that have an understanding that this country is a Republic and not a Democracy), that see the federal government as being tyrannical  and now must be controlled, if they don't then it doesn't happen..
  That being said, if I'm the dumb-ass, then how the hell do you get the rest of those dumb-ass in that same room to go along with it.......                                            I hope Mark and others like him, got that figured out, because I think that's one of the problems in this country... an uninformed public (voting public at that), also heard in an interview with Mark that he thinks that there is enough states to do this and that it could be done, my fear would or could be that enough isn't enough.
  Looking forward to finding that decent paying job or two...  that's not out there, so I can buy Mark's book

  That's my story and I'm sticking to it..... IMAO still

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