Wednesday, June 12, 2013


though's of you that remember this video, but couldn't understand it... sorry about that, here's the translation of it; 

there's  one born every minute
I once not so long ago remember when u carried a beeper on your hip and when it went off (beep...beep....beep) you hunted for a landline 
phone to do a call back, which back then you really spoke to the other person on the other landline.... WOW.  Now we carry cell phones around in our pockets with little things hanging on our ears, but best of all know one has to speak at all, they can hold an entire conversation with their fingers and eyes, while their mouths are chewing on some gum or something. the best thing about texting is u can be the dumbest person out there and can still text someone, you just have to be smart enough to understand what is being typed,
  I thought texting was for people to type a message in kind of in short hand, but damn  was wrong.... it's just dumbass people that can spell,
 you know why I know this...... well people are using it everywhere outside of the cell phone, where ever they can use a key board of some kind they are texting, they finding it being used in our schools... students writing papers and doing tests in text.
 I just got one thing to say to you dumb asses out there learn to spell a word properly..... it's bad enough or hard enough to understand you when you speak the spoken word in English.
So the jest of it all is that it didn't take every long to dummy you all down...just a couple decades thats all... you can't speak proper English and now you can't spell it either and whats so funny is
 "I'm not the smartest guy out there, but I know a dumbass when I see one.

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