Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Food for Thought?

  Food for Thought? The Obama administration is providing low income households with high speed Internet.... at tax payers expense, Great! Being unemployed myself, I understand this..... I depend on the Internet to search for job's "That aren't there", file for my Unemployment check (which ran out not to long ago), social networking and etc, etc...,   Wonderful!  Now really... does anyone really think low income people are going to search for jobs using the Internet  or write a killer resume or read the news or blogs..... (20 million or So, people unemployed or under-employed)  He's doing this to "Go Green".... Terrific... Right! Some of these people can search on-line for Free training to install those solar-panels that are being made in China... at taxpayer's expense (over 16 trillion in debt and growing) or maybe add more minutes to there free Phone (just got mine) or file for their welfare check's and food stamp's (49 million claim's for food stamp's and I just got mine) online.... This way they don't have to drive their Lexus or BMW's or their.... well? you get the idea, while playing their music "way to loud". They can just stay at home, like they've always' have and do nothing.    Obama believes in social justice (take from those who have and give to those who don't "want to work for it") and studied socialist, Marxist philosophyGeorge Bernard Shaw (a strong believer in the progressive movement of the 20th Century) once said, "Everyone should explain to a Government board once, every year or So... why you should exist, because everyone should produce a little more then what one consumes and if you don't, One should be eliminated"....   What a Guy! So, the long story made short is..... If we could only become Socialist's 
(Good Old Karl, Said, It's only One Step to Communism or was that Shaw, Who Care's, it was said)...      We could all work for the government and all those who don't can be eliminated.... "Thank's to Shaw and people like him"... No more Unemployment, No more Welfare, No more food stamp's, No More Free Anything!!!!!!!!!!!! No more Fancy Car's (We're going Electric, All the way Baby!!!). All I Want, Is.... An Equal Opportunity for a chance for that, "application for that Elimination Job on that Government Board", (that Shaw talked about). "I'd be good at it".

 (((WARNING... Do Not Try This at Home or In Your Life...... there are truly people in need, we shoulld give them a hand-up and not a hand-out))). This is Only Humor....

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