Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gavin McInnes: French treat Paris terror 'like train crash'

(((this is what we are all going to be living with... if we don't stop with the PC bullshit)))

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Gavin McInnes: French treat Paris terror 'like train crash'

(((I couldn't say it any better)))

Ben Shapiro: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority

and western citizens are told to be tolerant towards Mohammedanism aka اسلام Islam.... Moslems aka Muslims... (((My Answer to that is "IT'LL NEVER HAPPEN"))).

Sunday, November 1, 2015

What Happened to Children?

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
Above are some of the goals of the American communists... go read the rest of their 45 goals for America that was put into Congressional Record in congress way back when before most Americans were born... January 10, 1963... and then ask yourself who won the 'Cold War' again...?
something else you might find interesting...
Agenda: Grinding America Down (low resolution) https://vimeo.com/126510471 or (high resolution) http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/144808/AGENDA__Grinding_Down_America_full/
"truthful knowledge is power"... Peace to all.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Obama To Declare Martial Law! DHS WILL KILL YOU! Copy Share

quote: If
the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down
the street and lynch us....  President George Herbert Walker Bush

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Obama tells Students "It's True I'm Not American"..."I come from Kenya"

all you out there that keep defending this 'Kenyan Moslem' explain this video... go ahead and tell all of us out here who don't believe a word this guy says or anything you probably have to say also.... that they're all just gaffes.  

Operation Four Little Martyrs by Thomas Wictor

Monday, September 21, 2015

Real Time with Bill Maher – Ahmed's Clock Block (HBO)

Democrats Call to NUKE North Korea! Preemptive Nuclear Strike APPROVED ...

So... the media made a big deal about a guy asking [more like a statement] Donald Trump about Obama being Moslem... and then days of rhetoric coming from the left about how Donald Trump supporters are all made up of these type of people [ignorant conspiracists]... listen up  rhetoric propagandists from the media and the left... 'watch this video and learn' about your side and how F#@King ignorant sheeple people you have in your corner.

Stump for Trump girls change from Democrat to Republican to vote for Don...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Obama: "My Muslim Faith"

and Donald Trump should defend this Moslem president and his Moslem faith... NOT the Donald's job... Obama has already done it.

Ruben Obed- The Trump Latino Anthem- Official Music Video

make this video go viral everyone.... piss off all those anti-American Latino's and show them there are Hispanic people out there with other view points.... info... we all know blacks have many words for blacks that have other view points... example: uncle tom's... you trying to be too white... or how about my favorite... Coon.... well folks Latino's have words for other Hispanic's that have other view points... also... my favorite one is...  example: blue eye'd gringo... if there any blue eye'd gringo's out there... thumbs up to you... I have blue eye's too... they'll sets you apart from all those brown eye's... if you get my point.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bicske: a rendőrség intézkedik

let's call them what they are "Moslem"... Until
around the late 1980s, the word was commonly spelled Moslem in the English
language... not Muslim... only until Moslems realized westerners started to understand
the true nature of why it was spelled Moslem they wanted it spelled Muslim... and
they hate it when it's spelled Moslem.
A Muslim in Arabic means "one who gives himself to
God," [rarely used... example: an Imam a preacher of the Qu'ran and Islam]
and by contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means "one who is evil and
unjust" [mostly used by English speaking people who seen the true nature
of one who follows Islam]... anyone see Taqiyya (
تقية) at work
here... Taqiyya (
تقية) a word
for lying used in Islam (deceiving infidels/non-believers).

"truthful knowledge is power and words matter"... "Peace
to all infidels".

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


it's so racist to think that these beings [aliens] don't have the right to come to earth... what gives humans the right to erect a orbital fence or wall around earth... the earth belongs to all species [animals] including illegal aliens from outer-space or Mexico... if America can't have boarders then the entire earth should be boarder-less.... say NO to orbital walls or outer-space boarders and yes to boarder-less skies.... I'm American and what's good for the illegal immigrant is good for illegal alien.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The ugliest newspaper in Britain

OBAMA's END GAME REVEALED BY KGB - Communist Obama Socialist / Marxist /...

I tell myself I'd die before I let that happen.... but then I think, 'maybe not' I'd probably be one of those who would kill the 'useful idiots' that helped put this country on this path to the Utopian society of mass murdering communism.... I'd be very helpful.. that's it they don't see me too old and useless for their cause [pulling the trigger]. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

These Hillary Supporters Want Her to Repeal the Bill of Rights if She's ...

It sad and disturbing to hear people say such things...  agreeing with 'repeal the Bill of Rights'... are you F#@king kidding.... No kidding they are the 'JOKE' on the rest of us in America... thanks to all those in America that that helped [liberals & teachers unions with your common core]  in dumbing down these ignorant fools... Nazism and communism got it's start this way and it could be just around the corner with the increasing amount of 'useful idiots' being produced right here in America... God help us all.

Donald Trump SLAMS Terrible Spokesperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Trump...

Unapologetically Southern

Monday, March 9, 2015

Walter E Williams - A Political Solution For Blacks

Politically-Challenged: Texas Tech Edition

WTF... you who call yourselves "millennial
generation" you should be ashamed of yourselves (especially being a college
student of higher learning)... just today I was listening to a radio talk show
where one of you called in (a millennial college student of higher learning) and
was angry because the radio host said that your generation isn't mature enough
to vote... he suggested it be raised to 21 were it used to be or higher...”
your generation just thinks it smart”... but you’re as dumb as dumb goes
<<< (that would be like ignorant)... time and time again all over the
country in collages these videos have appeared (on the internet and YouTube) and
every time your generation proves how much of a dumb-ass uninformed generation
you all are <<< (once again ignorant)... and I agree the age for
someone to be able to vote shouldn't depend on someone’s age... but on how much
one knows about one's country (that would be U.S.A.) from history to current
events (the easy stuff that most of you can't seem to answer in these
videos)... not on movie stars, celebrities and the latest tech gadget… I’m not
going to blame your generation for the faults of the last few generations and
what you’re generation is inheriting because of those faults… but really how
are you going to fix anything being so ignorant to the fact that’s how they
want you... “Ignorant”. 

Trey Gowdy Challenges the Press on Benghazi

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Saturday, February 7, 2015

America's Age Of Be trail - In This Day Where Lying Is As Natural As Br...

Liberals Shoot Guns For The 1st Time

I wish I could send each of them this video.... give them a bit of truth rather the misguided falsehoods that they have learned in or from the liberal world.... Ronald Reagan once said "The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so. http://youtu.be/pELwCqz2JfE?list=FLX9a1jN5Yb6W5VPtic8IiZQ

Radical Islam Is a Global Cancer, but Is It Satanic? | Zo Nation

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

4-Star Admiral Slams Obama: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated All Of Our Na...

CNN Desperately Defends Obama's Relationship with Radical Professor

Black Genocide: The Democrats Institutionalized Racism

Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife! Race Obsessed Liberals Will Curse at You...

PJTV: Obama Is Not Doing Squat for the Black Community

ZoNATION: Oprah Orders More Whine On The Race Card

NAACP: It's not Discrimination When They Do It

Deneen Borelli Discusses The Abusive Treatment She Received at NAACP Con...

Ralph Peters Blasts Sean Hannity for Suggesting Bergdahl Deserted Becau...

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Steven Spielberg speaks - International Holocaust Memorial Day, 2014

Another Hollywood PC (political cowardliness) phony... I listened to the entire speech and not once did he mention one word about what is going on right now in Europe and the world with the new Nazi’s (Muslims) are attacking Jews, Christians and non-Muslims in every way they can and he said nothing… You are a coward like most of you are... go hangout with Obama…  Call yourself a Jew… all you are is someone that made a lot of money telling someone else’s story… I guess if you wait long enough and live long enough you’ll be able to tell another story about a holocaust going on now… that’s if you’re willing to hear the truth about who’s causing it and doesn't interfere with your sacred belief in the world of PC… aren't you tired of the BS (PC or whatever one wants to call it)… I am.

A special kind of hate

Why Government Money Can't Fix Poverty

Former FBI Agent Reveals Who Really Killed JFK

Monday, January 26, 2015

Lessons from the collapse of Bulgaria

Meet the People Who Want Obama to Repeal the Bill of Rights

First things first the biggest threat to America is and wouldn't be ISIS or Islamic terrorism, but the mindset thinking and believing that it’s a good idea to get rid of or abolish our ‘We the People’ Bill of Rights for any reason whatsoever…. Second would be anyone (anyone… would be an ignorant person, educated or not) who would support a Politician or Government (that would include agencies and people) that would get rid of or abolish our ‘We the People’ Bill of Rights… and third, but not least… would be to remove California as one of the 57 states that Obama said we had… where Mark Dice was interviewing people for this video and including but not limiting to most mid northern and north eastern states in the country…. Oh hell we would solve 2/3 of America’s problems if we just get rid of or abolished those of the liberal mindset that believe in multiculturalism.

Geert Wilders


Where are the WARRIORS?