Sunday, December 14, 2014

America Naked! Bill HR 4681 Takes 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendment Rights


This Tweet by Matt Drudge about Boehner Really Makes You Wonder

I'm old enough and smart enough to know this and I'm not that smart... any body remember J Edgar Hoover the most powerful man in the world for almost 5 decades.... if you don't than start reading..... he ruled over 6 Presidents and believe me the country.... nothing has changed in this country except who has that power, after Hoover died the POTUS took that power that Hoover had and believe me they're never going to allow anyone like Hoover have it ever again... not congress, courts nor the people... that just a fact of life.... if you don't believe, than why isn't Obama impeached, he has done worst things (10x worse) than Nixon or Clinton.... anyone? when you have dirt on ever American in America and run the government that can squash you like a a insect (destroy you and your career)... come people/sheeple wake up and smell the coffee or at least the shit coming from that cesspool Washington DC.  

This Tweet by Matt Drudge about Boehner Really Makes You Wonder

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Mike Brown fiasco.

Rep. Hank Johnson: Ben Carson Supporters Are Ignorant 'Lynch Mob' | MRCTV

well what would anyone expect from someone who is apparently the ignorant one >>>> >>> unless you want to talk about those who voted this idiot/moron/ignorant man into office.

Rep. Hank Johnson: Ben Carson Supporters Are Ignorant 'Lynch Mob' | MRCTV

Michael Brown brutally beating and robbing old man?

I read someones post on youtube asking that this video be verified >>> I wrote >>> Why verify.... isn't this what the other side (Michael Brown supporters) and the lame steam media does (smear the truth).... I myself don't care (really) it looks like him (it is him) that's how I perceived him to be and act... he was a F#@King thug with no respect for others nor their property and those who tried to make him look like a gentle giant were lying through their teeth. 

Michael Brown brutally beating and robbing old man?