Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The First Chapter

   I just got done reading, The First Chapter of  "The Liberty Amendments, Restoring The American Republic"  By Mark Levin
 Remember I'm the dumb-ass in the room... reading that took some effort and had to look up the meaning of a few or more words... but I know enough to understand exactly of what he's speaking and writing of... my limited knowledge maybe more then I know,  because I always knew that the real power in and of this Republic  for which it stands was held by the States... I myself couldn't understand why the states would give up that power, why did they go along with it?  I know under that bureaucrat  Woodrow  Wilson he somehow convinced the States to give up their power which was the electing of senators to the Senate... maybe it was him "Wilson" lying to the country about WW1 and then dragging the nation to war, was that  beginning of "never let a crisis go to waste" and the "The end justifies the means"  at any cost, mentality they have.... (there's probably more than a few publications out there that'll explains it all, when and how... I don't know, I'm dumb-ass)
 So... the jiff of it all, is Mark is right on mark (like that and even a dumb-ass like myself knows and understands that to restore  our government.... to the Republic, for which it stands, is going to have to be done on the State level (meaning by us electing people to State Government's  that have an understanding that this country is a Republic and not a Democracy), that see the federal government as being tyrannical  and now must be controlled, if they don't then it doesn't happen..
  That being said, if I'm the dumb-ass, then how the hell do you get the rest of those dumb-ass in that same room to go along with it.......                                            I hope Mark and others like him, got that figured out, because I think that's one of the problems in this country... an uninformed public (voting public at that), also heard in an interview with Mark that he thinks that there is enough states to do this and that it could be done, my fear would or could be that enough isn't enough.
  Looking forward to finding that decent paying job or two...  that's not out there, so I can buy Mark's book

  That's my story and I'm sticking to it..... IMAO still

"Cahoonas, lets grow some"

"Cahoonas, lets grow some" correct a mistake I made they were teens and one was white

"Cahoonas, lets grow some"
  I just turned off fox news, was talking about a visiting Australian man that was gunned down by 3 black man just for the fun of it (the Australian man was white)and one of the two people they had on just couldn't answer the questions nor stay on point/the conversation that is, (yes the liberal I'm talking about)... 
  WTF fox news when are you going to be fair and balance with your viewers and stop trying to have that fair + balanced and honest conversation with these liberals... 
  When are we as a people going to shame and shun people in our society that lie and blatantly lie as a way of life..... stop it and stop it now.... you fox news, I wish you would read this, because if you don't stop this insanity (Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.... .Albert Einstein) you will lose me as a viewer, (damn it, you're the only news outlet I watch these day's) because what you think you're doing is fair and balanced, by having people that have different views is one thing, which is entirely different then having people on that blatantly lie, is not fair and balanced in my eye's (yes I know what you're going to say "who am I.... I say, I am the viewer, your viewer")... and if you're going to have people that can't have that fair and balance conversation , in my eye's "that is the definition of insanity". 
   I have watched Fox News sense the beginning and I have seen the liberal left in this country  scrutinize every word said on and about your network, so they can mislead the public at every corner that they turn..... 
  Advice coming from one that calls himself the "dumb-ass in the room filled with dumb-asses "(kind of a inside joke), would be your network/fox news channel isn't going to get any more viewers from the liberal left except from the scrutinizer's  mentioned above and believe me the elite liberal left isn't watching your network, they are paying others to watch it for them. Your viewers are moderate to the right/conservative , also I believe that these same viewers like myself loathe the "untruthfulness" as most of your hosts call the "lying" that comes from these people's mouths, this is not fair and balanced to your viewers, nor your hosts..... allow your hosts to at least grow a set of "Cahoonas" (a set of balls) to call these people  out when they lie , either side.... right or left. 
   I remember when your host shepard smith showed the biggest set of cahoonas I have ever seen on a news channel when he told the producer to shut a mans mic (microphone ) off, because the man wouldn't shut up the propaganda and let anyone else speak ... the propaganda coming out of his mouth was about how America deserved 911... and I remember that day clearly Shepard saying "shut off his mic" more than once, that was the day I turned off the other news channels and turned to fox.  
    So... go ahead and tell me I'm wrong, that being fair and balanced is allowing one side to lying almost all the time about the subject at hand (oh, if you don't know this, propaganda is a form of lying, I even know this and I'm a dumb-ass)..... go ahead and convince me that I'm totally off base here... so I can tell you there's no base's in football , see you thought I was going to say baseball, I know what propaganda is "you know what the Nazi's use in German to convince them to go along with their evil way's, you know like killing off millions of Jews , just like the so-called radical Muslims today want to do and not just the Jews at that,  all I know is "once a liar always a liar" and no I don't know who coined that phrase. WE as a people need to stand up and say enough is enough, NO means NO and shut their mic's off.
   That's my story and I'm sticking to it.... LMAO still

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

WTF 14.025%

"Food for Thought"
   2009 Obama's approval rating was 59% and today 35% on handling of the economy, this is Gallup's poll. I got this from CNN(President Obama's poll numbers continue to slide this week in the wake of the NSA PRISM scandal, with a new CNN/ORC Poll showing his approval rating hovering at just around 45%. This is down from the president's brief peak of 76% in February 2009).
   So, now you're asking where's the food?   Well look at the numbers economy there is a 24% difference and the overall approval rating is a difference of 31%..... now Obama was elected by 51% of the voting populist, now correct me if I'm wrong now? So, an average between his economic and overall  approval rating is 7% which averages out to be 27.5% disapproval rating all together, am I right so far? Now 27.5% of the 51% that voted for him (these are the people that approved of him that much to vote him into office the 51% and 49% didn't, right?) So, the answer 27.5% of the 51% is or equals 14.025% of the 51% that liked him enough to put him in office now doesn't like him.
  Now the food is being served, if those dumb-ass cool-aide drinkers could of figured out in the beginning (that 14.025%) that Obama was incapable, incompetent, do-nothing individual that he is and was a lying leftist liberal that he is.... We as a nation would of had another man as president (that was the potato's of this meal).... 
 Now the meat, Our founding fathers spoke of a well informed populist/the voting population, which this proves that we do not have an informed  voting population if 14.025% didn't get it right the first time and then did it again for a second time..... WTF is wrong with you dumb-asses !!!
  I think, I know... you were educated in or through the unionized public run school system K through 12th grade, that's even if you graduated  (am I right or at least close?) and/or you were fortune enough to go to a higher educational institution  called collage where you let yourself be indoctrinated by the "liberal-left educated elitist's " teaching your dumb-ass (I got to be damn close, right !), like I'm really going to get the right answer from you 14.025% dumb-asses that couldn't get it right the first time.
 That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  OK... no smart-butt comments, if my math is off... I got it from my 15yr old kid that goes to public school..... which I attended also, which really makes me smarter, I got him to do the math (he used a calculator) and I also used spell check... LMAO still.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Tradesman 2013

  I'm a Tradesman, have been for over 20yrs in one trade.... I served a 4 year Apprenticeship in this trade, spent 2k (if you don't know what 2k stands for, it stands for 2,000) hour in school learning this trade to become a Journeymen in this trade. 
 So, back in 2009 I started to be laid-off from jobs in this trade and every time I would seek work, I noticed that the pay for the particular trade was going down... now this trade was paying approximately $20 an hour give or take a dollar or two or sometimes  three (some may scoff at the wage and other may see it as a lot, I see it as struggling to be middle class... I live in the south east.).  So, looking for work after my first lay-off... 2009,  I noticed employers were offering around 14 to 16 dollars an hour..... which I excepted to happen after so many people like myself were being laid-off and now there was an over abundance of workers willing to take these jobs for less pay (you know having bills to pay and families to support)... ok understandable  that, that would happen.  
   But now the present, looking for a job in this trade the year being 2013 and finding employers offering 10 to 12 dollars an hour to do this job, So what gives... what the hell is going on, a job just a few years ago was paying 20 per hour and now 1/2 that...... are these trade jobs being add to the long, long, long list of jobs "that Americans don't want to do" because these employers know they will not get Americans to do them at that price and they know they can get illegal's to do them (and by the way nothing against legal immigrants... so STFU all you out there that call people racist that want this problem solved and not solved with amnesty, you got that you pieces of shit)... and our political class in this country is going to and has let this happen, WTF has gone wrong with this Country called U.S. of America.
  That now I am and will be forced to find employment outside of this trade and knowing at my age learning a new one is out of the question (now just think put yourself in my shoes, learn another trade just to lose it like this one... not a chance I will go through this again) and I will be grateful to find an unskilled job or two, to make ends meet like so many Americans sense the economic down turn of 2008.... due to the same political class..... sorry the corrupt political class that caused the economic down turn and growing that list of jobs "that Americans don't want".  
   WTF my fellow American citizens are you all dumb-asses and part of the 51% that is drinking that shit called cool-aide coming from these corrupt political whores  or are you one of the fortunate of society that doesn't think or worry about shit like this.... your one of those who hire people for them "jobs Americans don't want"?
  So... if you can help me out in any way and not give a hand out but a hand up... some advice of encouragement that things will get better, things I can't and so many people like me can't see, then do so and thanks.

  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Cicero 55 BC

He was such a libertarian conservative before these words even existed
I laugh at this every time i see it... that a man so far removed from the present, knew what and how liberalism (meaning liberals once in charge again, Detroit all over again or worst US of America) could destroy or bring down a government/country and I say laugh because if one didn't.... one would be brought to tears.

"Food for Thought"

I wrote this in facebook this morning and had to share with whoever in here that listens.... lol, so first here's my facebook page:  and here's what I wrote:
 "Food for Thought"... really cool if you put me in a room with all the people in my likes I'd be the dumb-ass in the room, COOL I should be... they're really smart educated people, but put me in a room with the same amount of people I have in my likes... but have them be the average high school graduate of the last 10 years from the public school system and I'd be in a room with a bunch of dumb-ass.... IMAO... you thought I was going to say, I would have been the smartest person in the room..... LOL x Ga-zillion
Just thought you all could use some humor today.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

"enemies, foreign and domestic"

Hey you all in the military when are you all going to live up to the oath you all took... do you remember the oath, goes something like this....I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.    remember the part about (that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all "enemies, foreign and domestic") don't you think we have a domestic threat happening, step in/up and do something before you all end up killing Americans, because you waited too long.... you have my support and I'm not joking..... IMAO is all I can do these days.

Safelite gadget

you see the Safelite auto glass commercial where the guy is telling you, how precise their new 1 man gadget is, almost a precise as the factory is in putting the glass in the automobile... wow, now let me flip that on its head for a minute, before the gadget they used 2 men to put the glass in and now it's done with 1 man and his gadget..... which to me, it was just another way to eliminate a job, no more payroll, no more insurance of any kind (especially Obama care costs and regulations), don't have to worry if the gadget is sick and not going to show up for the day or days or week or never.  Ah good old progress... now if they can just get an illegal to install that glass, the profits would go throw the roof..... funny I am, but I think they are trying to do that.... Well, all I can do these days is IMAO to it all.